>>> Search your deck for a Minion and put it into the field. If you do, you gain
Limit Break
(Name of that Minion). Then shuffle your deck.
This card gains [+800/+800] and

: Destroy target resonator. Until end of game, you may play all God's Art abilities you played this game an additional time.
God's Art "Primogenitor's Ambition"

: This card gains "Resonators your opponent controls gain [-400/-400].".
"If I could gain the power of this world, I would be able to overcome my father."
Confirmed by company officials
The effect given to Lapis by his God's Art "Primogenitor's Ambition" is lost when he flips from being a j-ruler to his ruler side or vis versa.
If the God's Art resolves while he is a Ruler then his ruler side will have the effect until he judgements.