Deck Name |
Color(s) |
Number of cards |
lehen |
53 |
undine |
30 |
Let's Go Hunting - I Will Never Forgive Them |
72 |
Drowning in the Dark |
68 |
Untitled Deck |
14 |
66 |
Taled Cats |
42 |
Poison |
62 |
Tales of the Angels |
54 |
Untitled Deck |
0 |
Harvest Vamps |
50 |
Ninja |
69 |
Alice Drifting Through the Multiverse |
74 |
39 |
Red Wolves Awakened |
58 |
Untitled Deck |
0 |
Minion King Gill  |
53 |
Untitled Deck |
0 |
Regalia Genesis |
57 |
FairyStella |
67 |
Sept 22 Girl In Twilight Garb |
53 |
Snow White  |
127 |
Lich Me |
51 |
Luci I'm Home |
51 |
Ordered Chaos |
51 |
7DS Comp Edition |
60 |
Beatrice/Dante Tag Cthulu/Null |
52 |
Kiyubi |
61 |
7 Deadly Sins |
55 |
Aristella Water/Light |
56 |
Slaughter Them All - Alice |
51 |
Legend of A Twisted Fairy Tale - Dark Alice |
51 |
Legend of A Twisted Fairy Tale - Dark Alice |
51 |
Zero - Human Fairy Tale |
53 |
Life & Death |
51 |
Arla Winged Angels |
51 |
Book of Despair |
57 |
Book of Hope |
53 |
Yggdrasil Tree of Despair |
51 |
Yggdrasil |
51 |
Yggdrasil |
51 |
Little Witch Loki |
53 |
Order of Genesis |
51 |
Shiva Mimi - Burn |
60 |
Only Kaguya I'll Ever Play |
53 |
Little Red Burst |
53 |
Refrain and Destroy  |
63 |
Refrain and Destroy  |
63 |
Refrain and Destroy |
51 |
Untitled Deck |
31 |
Aimul Princess of In(cur)Version |
54 |