My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
To Order {R}{W} 34
Plunging in the Depths {B}{U} 76
Tyrant's Hellfire {B}{R} 86
The Witch's Magnum Opus {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 77
The Dragon Witch of Orleans {B}{R}{U} 80
Queen's Knights {R}{U}{W} 76
A Song of Hope Forgotten... {B}{W} 78
A Princess' Fairy Tale {G}{W} 83
Roar of the Alabaster Lord {U}{W} 76
The Maiden of Orleans {R}{U} 76
Flame of the Fire Sovereign {G}{R} 78
The Dragon Witch of Orleans w Black {B}{R}{U} 65