My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 57
Wombo Combo Beast {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 88
~(○__○~) Black Lenneth {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 95
~(○__○~) Blue Lenneth {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 96
(~○__○)~ {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 88
M&M Milan {B}{R}{U}{W} 56
Spirit of Sadness Seer {U}{W} 24
Masked Alice {B}{G}{U}{W} 46
Shards? Whats that {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 23
Ramp to the heavens {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 82
Seer Grimmia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 55
Infininjas {B}{U}{W} 38
Sidedeck Tech Stuff {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 32
Athenias Blood {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68
Lenneth<33 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 61
Cannonstrike!! - Nicolas Thomas - Berlin GP 2024 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 76
Untitled Deck {R}{U} 7
Christie Seer Olymp {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 53
Untitled Deck {V} 0
Ayu Again {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
Faurecia Loop {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 48
Ayu Olymp {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 42
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 54
Milest {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 58
Blue Seer Little Red Christie {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 99
Red Seer Little Red {G}{R}{U}{W} 77
Lyka {B}{G}{R}{W} 65
Goddess of Aradia {B}{G}{R}{U} 36
Lyka Driven To Win {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 80
ive got too many aristella lists {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 83
Blue Eyes Red Dragon {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 77
Eins Base? {V} 39
Red Eyes Green Dragon {B}{G}{R}{W} 75
Milest? {G}{R}{U}{W} 8
Mirror Alice {B}{U}{W} 51
Brunhild {B}{G}{R}{W} 55
CW Tourney Alice {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 67
Red Eyes Green Dragon Poissy {B}{G}{R}{W} 75
Grandpa Gaming {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 61
Goddess Sieben {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 74
Thats alot of damage {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Burning Tree 2 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 82
Abdul Falltgold {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 57
seer falltgold {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68
Abdul Gate {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 57
Blubb {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 65
Alice on Crack {B}{R}{U}{W} 74
Nyarla V3<br> {B}{G}{R}{W} 66
Taylor Gang Nyarla {B}{G}{R}{W} 67
Nyarla and the doggos {B}{G}{R}{W} 74
Hyde {B}{W} 19
Crimson Ninja {B}{G}{R}{W} 63
Isis {R} 2
Lumia {R}{W} 4
Princess Mononoke {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 95
Blazing Tree {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 71
Valkyrie on Fire<br> {B}{R}{W} 3
Untitled Deck {G}{R}{U}{W} 52
Soft and Dead {B}{G}{R}{W} 69
The Revenant {B}{G}{R}{W} 47
Birds Boobs and Loops {B}{G}{R} 43
Spiky Ear Ladies V2 {B}{G}{R}{W} 75
Degen Lifeloss Black Solarize Bullshit {B}{G}{W} 52
Pick Your Ruler<br> {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 19
Sacrificial Parrot Ritual {B}{R}{U}{W} 67
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{U}{W} 40
Nyarla Reincarnate {B}{G}{R} 71
Dragonrider {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 57
Return of the King Bunny {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Pilgrimm Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
Grand Theft Alucard {B}{G}{R}{W} 76
Sad Reiya {B}{G}{R}{W} 58
Crimson Dackel {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 60
Replicant Reiya {B}{G}{R}{W} 63
Little Red Dragon {B}{G}{R}{W} 53
Zappy Reiya {B}{G}{R} 59
New Dragoon Medicine {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 78
Spiky Ear Ladies {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 61
Lenneth? {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 30
Dracula Waifu Rush {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 75
MoonWelser {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 60
Pilgrim Aristella {B}{G}{R}{W} 55
Replicant Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 66
Hyde H6 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 64
NewMoonMoon {B}{G}{R}{W} 70
Lenneth of faith {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 73
Void Eins {G}{W} 35
Athenia H6 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 60
h5 athenia44 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Lenneth of faith {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 71
7k Lenneth {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 65
Degenerate Eins {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 64
Asuka Attempt {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 75
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 42
Anti Justice Lenneth {B}{G}{R}{W} 48
Revenant Revive {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 46
Lenneth on Pepp {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 74
Lenneth 7 Kings {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Ninja {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
H5 Ninja {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Red Ramp Lenneth {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
Free Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
lapis tag choices {B}{G}{R}{W} 6
laaaapis tag {B}{G}{U}{W} 47
alice tag choices {B}{G}{R}{U} 10
Dragonrider Pricia {B}{G}{R} 66
Fairy Tale Mana Loop Pricia Avatar {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 79
MoonMoon {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
Blue Night {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 47
Sniper Alice {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 65
Fuck Brad MoonMoon {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
Nyarla {B}{G}{R}{W} 69
Dragoon Medicine {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 81
Fuck Cancel Hyde {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Red Mana Rush Eins {G}{R}{W} 25
MoonWelser {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 59
put brad in everything 1 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 77
Roaming Ninja {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 67
Roamer {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 67
March of the gears {B}{G}{W} 65
H4 Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 58
Draw eins moar {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 78
MoonMoon {B}{G}{R}{W} 49
Milest FTK Genesis {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 95
Hyde's last believer {B}{R}{U}{W} 47
Faltgold Arrow {B}{R}{U}{W} 17
Discard Lucifer {B}{G}{R}{W} 33
Untitled Deck {V} 0
Elf Rush {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 62
lsd eins {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 82
Untitled Deck {V} 0
Two Sword Style Eins {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 67
H3 Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 71
Lailah Ninja {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Ninja {B}{G}{R}{W} 68
Three Winged Angel {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 81
Ki Lua {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
acht {B}{G}{R}{W} 59
acht {B}{G}{R}{W} 59
dark booba {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 56
pewpew eins {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 85
Blu Eins {G}{U} 60
logi {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
pew2 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 48
Astema {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 69
Ninja {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Asukablubb {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 73
Seal of Night {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 70
Turbo Asuka {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 56
Reanimation Rabbit {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 83
Green Rabbit {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 84
I THREW IT TO THE grave {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 35
roll1dice {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 92
(~o.o)~ {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 75
Atom T0 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 89
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{U}{W} 13
me go face {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 50
Moonbreeze Rabbit {B}{G}{R}{W} 54
Atom Atom {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 56
GP {B}{G}{R}{U} 3
Atom on Pepp {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 103
Tree of Night {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 103
Singleton Revenant {B}{G}{R}{W} 37
The Bean of Night {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 55
Trishula Athenia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 82
Counters are Justice {B}{G}{R}{U} 34
Wanderer Atom {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
420 Brundhild {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 87
Original Gangster Atom {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 75
Sniping Rabbit {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 81
Fly me to the moon {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 25
Kirik {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 53
Pang Tong {R} 66
Dragon Flame {R}{U}{W} 19
Brunhild {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68