My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Time to Golem {G}{U}{W} 52
Demonic Worlds {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 51
Dino Bounce {G}{R}{U}{W} 51
Seeking the Avenger {G}{W} 51
Mono Blue {U} 54
Not So Random {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 51
Mono Darkness {B} 55
Mono Wind {G} 53
Mono red wip {R} 51
Mono white wip {W} 56
Time to Discard {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 55
Elemental Reflection {B}{G}{R}{W} 51
Swift Seal {B}{R}{U} 52
Burn and Gain {B}{R}{W} 52
Dave Lost everything in the Divorce so He's Going to Take It Out on You. Okey, Love You, Bye! {B}{G}{U}{W} 51
Moojdart/Grusbalesta {B}{G}{R}{U} 62
Raining Fish {G}{U}{W} 52
Things {B}{R}{U}{W} 8
Demons and Dragons {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 53