My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Untitled Deck {V} 0
Death or Devastation {B}{G}{R}{W} 63
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 148
Plus or Minus {B}{G}{R}{W} 60
Life Ever After {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 63
Typhon's Revelations {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 31
Growing Demise {B}{G}{R}{U} 56
It's over 9000 {R}{U}{W} 52
It's a Party {B}{G}{U}{W} 54
Devouring Moonlight {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 52
Wandering Wanders {B}{G}{U}{W} 57
From Dusk, Till Simp {B}{R}{U} 53
The Crimson Trigger {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 65
Gauntlets N Gear {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 52
Regaliators Mount Up {B}{U}{W} 18