My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Forced Millium Fun Strike Edition {B}{R}{U}{W} 77
Forced Millium Fun 2.0 {B}{R}{U}{W} 77
Forced Millium Fun {B}{R}{U}{W} 72
Burn The Child {R}{U}{W} 57
Millium Says No Cheating {B}{U}{W} 58
Definitely Dragon Millium {G}{R}{U}{W} 52
ABC Replicant: Aristella {U}{W} 73
My Ultimate Bois Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68
OTK Or Die Trying {U}{W} 52
ABC Becky Lemme Smash {U}{W} 73
Edgy Lumia {B}{R}{W} 66
I Don't Know Why This Works {W} 62
Your Deck Belong To Me {B}{R}{W} 66
Gotta Go Fast {B}{R}{U}{W} 76