My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Moonglow VIII 61
The Great Work is complete ! 52
Eins 64
Aideen burn 51
Eins Green 66
Moonglow Burn 61
Aideen burn 51
Golem Party 55
Moonglow VIII 61
Untitled Deck 33
Untitled Deck 0
Alex Resonance 66
Aideen Remnant 66
Alex likes dogs 51
Ayu is dead but never her Soul 53
Aideen B/L 55
Untitled Deck 0
Aideen protect stun 54
Vampire/Hunter 51
Mecha knight 52
Alice fairy 53
Apple ouga chunga 55
Untitled Deck 0
Humanity Power 56
Dark Pandora 53
Lucie 🧪 46
Gacha addict Pandora 53