My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
refarth ai mai {B}{G} 20
Shoppimh cart {B}{R}{U} 24
Shopping cart 2 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 55
shopping cart {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 54
Doctor Warframe: physical healing {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 66
GP HANADA {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 66
wishlist something {G}{R}{W} 29
most normal asia ulga {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 65
deus vult {W} 61
ki lua ver 1.1 {B}{G}{R}{W} 61
Jurassic Park {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68
boy {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 51
depression {W} 35
wishlist {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 43
elektra {B}{G}{R} 56
normal ki lua {G}{R}{U} 49
budget war {B}{G}{R} 46
mumu deck {B}{G}{U} 54
Chris pratt {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 64
Old stuff wishlist {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 64
Mika sequel {B}{G}{R}{W} 55
If you're over the age of 25 this cards are a must have {B}{G}{R} 24
Jeanne deck WIP {B}{W} 52
Loki Death and Robots WIP {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 49
Cecilia deck {B}{R}{W} 53
Asuka ST {B}{G}{R} 58