My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
TSR Booster Box Sealed Deck - Goliath HANADA {G}{R} 69
ADW Sealed Pool {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 339
Reiya - The Lost Tomes Starter Deck {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 52
Reiya - Children of the Night Starter Deck {B} 52
Reiya - Below the Waves Starter Deck {U} 52
Reiya - Elemental Surge Starter Deck {G} 52
Reiya - Blood of the Dragons Starter Deck {R} 52
Reiya - King of the Mountain Starter Deck {W} 52
Lapis - Rage of R’lyeh Starter Deck {R} 52
Lapis - Vampiric Hunger Starter Deck {B} 51
Lapis - Swarming Elves Starter Deck {G} 51
Lapis - Malefic Ice Starter Deck {U} 51
Lapis - Fairy Tale Force Starter Deck {W} 51
Alice Origin II - Pricia Starter Deck {G}{R} 61
Alice Origin Cluster - Ghost in the Shell Starter Deck {V} 51
Alice Origin II - Valentina Starter Deck {B}{U} 61
Alice Origin - Melgis Starter Deck {B}{R} 61
Alice Origin - Faria Starter Deck {U}{W} 61
Duel Cluster - Tales Starter Deck {B}{R}{W} 51
Duel Cluster - Villains Starter Deck {B}{G}{W} 51