My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Wind Will Win {B}{G}{R}{W} 70
Gnome {B}{G}{R} 53
Untitled Deck {B}{G}{U} 22
typhon wanderer v100 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 147
Odin Sieben {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 89
shipping 10/2 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 22
Ragnarok post H5 {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 67
Tina Alice {R}{W} 53
Sieben Olympians {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 85
Sieben Olympians {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 85
Sieben Olympians {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 85
Kaguya Asia {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 53
ABC machine deck {V} 0
ABC Green White {G}{W} 71
Abc deck {G}{U} 31
Untitled Deck {V} 0
Remember to sing first! {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 75
Falcion run down {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 72
Justice  {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 68
Raymoo go Pro {B}{G}{R}{U}{W} 72
Untitled Deck {G}{W} 34