My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Nyar Red Deck Wins 59
Rezzard, the Undead Lord (Starter) 51
Lyka Deck 59
Bow to the Fairy Kingdom (Tina/Alice) 54
Lehen Treasure 62
Faceless God Cthulhu 55
Yokoshima Ancients 54
Odin Big Robot 52
Athenia Reanimator 54
Valentina / D. Alice Brainrot 57
Loki Deck 56
Jeanne / Cain Humans 56
Shiva OTK 67
Aristella Fairy Tale Deck 52
GRAND PRIX Namur Richet Axel - Lapis Block 67
Pricia, the Beast Lady Starter (Wind) 52
Machina, the Machine Lord Starter (Fire) 52