My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Untitled Deck 0
Alex Sansta Preconstructed Deck 51
Utsunes Preconstructed Deck 51
Lucie Preconstructed Deck 64
How Many Annoying Cards Can I Functionally Fit In This Deck 69
Untitled Deck 0
Elektra Said She'll Step On Me If I Make Top 8 75
Untitled Deck 0
Spider Selesta 52
Lyka Preconstructed Deck 54
Magna OTK 61
Scarlet, the Tree Killer 67
Falchion Preconstructed Deck 81
Mono White Helen 81
Sword Lumia, but not the sword you're thinking of 69
Holdin' Out for a Hero 67
Lenneth Precon Deck 68
Mirror Mirror, On the Wall 70
Lyka doing Lyka things, I guess 67
I call this deck "World Peace". Because there is no Conflict. 71
Atom's Atoms 73
[ABC] Red/Black 75
Obtuse Rubber Goose Green Moose Guava Juice Giant Snake Birthday Cake Large Fries Chocolate Shake 70
Solaria, but she just punches you in the face 74
Acht Preconstructed Deck 72
Reiya Solaristation 58 71
Aggro/Burn Elektra 75
Cluster Format Arla 78
Artillery Ambush! 74
Alright, Last Asmodeus Deck, I Promise (Solarisation Water) 78
Yes, Asmodeus Deck Number 4 (Solarisation Light) 88
Yet Another Asmodeus Deck (Solarisation Wind) 86
ANOTHER ASMODEUS DECK?!?! (Solarisation Fire) 89
How do I make this work 68
Violet Premade Deck 98
Aristella Preconstructed Deck 94
Aristella on a budget 53
Astema Beatrice 58
Brandhardt Aggro 68
Wolfgang revisited (WIP) 67
Fu Xi Atoms 72
Disco Inferno 69
The Three Musketeers are... playable??? 61
Turbo Puss in Boots 68
Maya-hee Maya-hoo Maya-ho Maya-ha-ha 70
Tina Preconstructed Deck 71
Nicklausse Preconstructed Deck 75
Melgis Stranger Danger 62
Stein's Gate 71
Reunited and it feels so gooooood 69
Pay 0 to Ponder 79
Basic Stone Tribal(?) 72
Viga Matchsticks 70
Black Control Elektra 74
5 Color Artillery Funf 55
IOC-EN105 49
One last hurrah before the banlist drops! 68
Nighttime Raiders 64
Kaguya 2.0 Treasury Items 66
Asuka Preconstructed Deck 78
Viga Preconstructed Deck 69
Eins Preconstructed Deck 118
Reflect/Refrain Preconstructed Deck 74
Hyde Preconstructed Deck 80
The Wheel of Fate is Turning... Rebel 1... ACHT-ION! 70
Mika Preconstructed Deck 83
Neon Genesis Evanfalchion 72
Metal Lifeform: T2 Preconstructed Deck 77
Ki Lua Preconstructed Deck 77
Reinhardt Preconstructed Deck 77
Sechs/Neun Preconstructed Deck 93
Drei Preconstructed Deck 68
Vier Preconstructed Deck 73
Funf Preconstructed Deck 73
Ulga Preconstructed Deck 77
Imma make this work 64
Asuka Reanimator for CW 77
Oops all Resonators 79
Nun with guns 66
Lilias 54
Apollosphere Olivia 68
TSW Stone Lock 68
OG Nyarla (WIP) 58
Deathmetal Viga still kinda busted 68
Messiah 79
Deus Ex Machina Premade Deck 95
Order Odin Premade Deck 136
Excalibur Genesis 54
Order Dante Premade Deck 94
Olivia FTK? 68
Moonchild FTK? 57
Thor-Der of Faith? WarThorse? 69
post banlist Typhon 127
Machina 1.0... but the robots ride horses 68
Dragon Flame Premade Deck 88
Typhon Premade Deck 176
Machina 1.0 53
Asmo/Dante Machines (Asmo Belial works fine too) 88
Black Yggdrasil 66