Force of Wind
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El mazo chileno
Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Go to card
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Phantasmal Ascendant
in Wanderer
Conflict of Memory and Soul
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Welser, Master of the Six Sages 4 Eternal, Assaulted Archipelago 4 Phantasmal Ascendant 3 Number Thirteen, Anti-Magic 1 Brad, Masked Mage 4 Pricia, Seeker of Friends 1 Tinker Bell, Spirit of the Light Trials 2 Persephone, the Eleventh Olympian 3 Geryon 3 Conflict of Memory and Soul 4 The Sword of Progression 2 Student at the Institute 1 The Explosion of Magog 2 The End of Friendship 2 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian //play-1 1 Moojdart 1 Grusbalesta //sideboard-1 1 Valentina, Owner of the Theater 1 Valentina, the Twilight Passion 3 Wings of Light and Darkness 1 Arm of the Demon 2 Hellfire of the Demonic World 2 A Flashing Smile 2 Ki Lua: Fossil Girl in the City 3 Attack Order //deck-2 3 Magic Stone of Knowledge 1 Amadeus, Holy Crystal 2 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 4 Magic Stone of Moon Light 2 Memoria of Reincarnation
Deck Statistics
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