Force of Wind
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Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Elektra, Shooting Star of Fire
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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Copy as Image
//deck-1 4 Memory of Worlds 4 Launch of Megiddo 4 Change the World, Orb of Illusion 4 Pricia, Seeker of Friends 2 Elektra, Shooting Star of Fire 4 Wanderers' Castle 4 The Sword of Progression 2 Faerur's Spell 4 Magical Rabbit 4 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 2 Geryon 2 Persephone, the Eleventh Olympian 2 Interfering with Cocoon 4 The Light of Megiddo //play-1 1 Refrain, Resident of Wanderers' Castle 1 Reflect, Resident of Wanderers' Castle //sideboard-1 4 Emergency Barrier of the Wanderer Twins 4 Complete Rejection of the Wanderer Twins 4 Young Wizard 4 Phoenix of Megiddo 1 Ragnarok's Fiery Stone 4 Intimidation 4 Amaterasu's Foresight 4 The Origin of the Seven Lands //deck-2 2 Secret Stone of the Wanderer Moon 2 Wind Moon Fragment 1 Magic Stone of Knowledge 4 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 1 Magic Stone of Moon Light
Deck Statistics
Change zones for Statistics
Change Zones for Stats
Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
Change zones
Change Zones for Testhand
Draw card
Redraw hand