Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Pack Sim
Kaguya Moon Control
Format: Wanderer
Go to card
Go to card
Main Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Magic Stone Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Side Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Dinner Time
in Wanderer
Setting the Stage for Providence
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Fiethsing, 100 Years of Wizardry 3 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 4 And War it Shall Be! 4 Kaguya Enters the Game of Gods 3 Gradius 3 Setting the Stage for Providence 4 Wind Moon 4 Teachings of the Moon 2 Bastet, Creator of Cats 4 Engineer of Eternal 4 Justice's Recon Drone 2 Moonbreeze Rabbit 3 Mikey, Jack of All Trades //play-1 1 Kaguya, God of Cats and the Moon 1 Order of the Moon //sideboard-1 3 Dinner Time 3 Faerur Letoliel 3 Keep the Faith! 3 Dawn of the Earth 3 Geryon //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Blasting Waves 1 Memoria of Reincarnation 1 Magic Stone of Gusting Skies 4 Magic Stone of Moon Shade
Deck Statistics
Change zones for Statistics
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Change Zones for Stats
Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
Change zones
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Change Zones for Testhand
Draw card
Redraw hand