Force of Wind
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Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
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Melfee, Traveling Sorceress
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Trishula 4 Dark Sun 2 The Sixth Boon: Requiem, Jewel 1 The Graveyard of Amadeus 4 Castle of Belial 1 Permafrost 4 Yggdrasil, Top Tourist Destination 4 Illusionary Flower of Sorrow 4 Secluded Fox Village 1 The Hidden History - "The Magic Stone War" 1 The Road to the Sacred Queen 1 Defense Stance 4 The Origin of the Seven Lands 4 Seal of Lenneth 1 Neo Barrier of Shadows 1 The First Moon 4 Shackles of Ice 4 Barrier of Shadows 4 Fiethsing, 100 Years of Wizardry 4 Grandfather's Research Project 4 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 4 Melfee, Traveling Sorceress 4 Pricia, Seeker of Friends 4 Gale of the Moon 4 Number Thirteen, Anti-Magic 4 Seal of Wind and Light //play-1 1 Justice 1 Falchion, Solitary Scientist 1 Child of the Water Moon 1 Child of the Darkness Moon //sideboard-1 2 The Floating Isle 2 Miracle Millennia Medicine 2 The First Moon 2 Barrier Seal 1 Transparent Moon 1 The Milky Way 1 Bloody Moon 4 Dreiwing, Mechanized Wind of Destruction 1 Einsberg, Mechanized Invasion Leader 1 Mechanization 1 Terminator Drone
Deck Statistics
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