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AzureSpirit OLS Local 23 10 26
Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Deck Title: "Dark Nyar"
Result: 1-2
R1: 2-0 v ?
R2: 0-2 v Asuka
R3: 0-2 v Beatrice/Astema
Phantasmal Ascendant
in Wanderer
Elektra, Shooting Star of Fire
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 3 Leowulf, Undefeated Warrior 2 VIP Seats 3 Gill Lapis, Vampire Guardian 3 Oborozuki, Vampire Astrologer 2 Explosive Withdrawal 4 Phantasmal Scarlet 4 Red Wine and Bread 2 Dante Enters the Game of Gods 3 Alvarez, True Demon Castle 3 Violet and Mariabella, Chasing Fire 4 Peren, Fairy of Lively Fire 2 Roamer of the Crimson Moon 1 Raging Messiah 3 Phantasmal Ascendant 2 Elektra, Shooting Star of Fire 3 Ki Lua: Fossil Girl in the City //play-1 1 Nyarlathotep, Game Master 1 Order of Chaos //sideboard-1 4 Death Glare 2 Evil Elemental Uprising 1 Nyarlathotep Doll 1 Rogue Spectator 2 Elektra's Training 1 The End of the War 2 Black Moon-Ray 2 Regalia Break //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Scorched Bales 4 Magic Stone of the Ebon Home 3 Fire Moon Fragment
Deck Statistics
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Draw card
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Result: 1-2
R1: 2-0 v ?
R2: 0-2 v Asuka
R3: 0-2 v Beatrice/Astema