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GerFelix OLS RC Tourney 24 3 30<br>
Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Dominatus, Solarised Gladius 2 Regalia Beast 4 Grand Cross Reincarnation 4 Aspiring Diva 2 Alice Enters the Game of Gods 2 Excalibur 3 Yggdrasil, Heroic Spirit of the World Tree 3 The Road to the Sacred Queen 1 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 2 Binding of Light Solarisire 2 Persephone, the Eleventh Olympian 2 Sacred Wave Blade 2 Cascade of Water Solarisire 2 Mermaid's Thunder Parasol 2 Lenneth's Wish 1 Ki Lua: Fossil Girl in the City 1 Genesis 1 Falling Into the Cracks of Time //play-1 1 Faria //sideboard-1 1 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 2 Falling Into the Cracks of Time 3 Geryon 2 Ki Lua: Fossil Girl in the City 1 Keep the Faith! 4 Faerur's Spell 1 Magic Stone of Moon Shade //deck-2 3 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 1 Attoractia's Memoria 3 Secret Stone of the Wanderer Moon 3 Amadeus, Holy Crystal //pile-facedown 1 Freya, the Goddess of Full Moon (Stranger) 2 Hino Kagutsuchino Mikoto, the Flaming God of Fate (Stranger) 1 Ushuah, the Flame Samurai Swordman (Stranger) 2 Loki, the Ancient Demon Lord (Stranger) 2 Morrigan, the Goddess of Tragic Love (Stranger) 1 Twin Swords of Water's Mercy (Stranger) 1 Ishtar, the Great Goddess of Kindness (Stranger)
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