Cube Colour Balace
Format: Wanderer
Main Deck
Side Deck
This is for 6 players max
House Rules of this Cube:
- Do not apply Tag, single ruler only.
- min. 25 card main deck
- min. 8 card magic stone deck
- ignore Villains and Tales limit for deck construction
- Every J/ruler gains :this card starts the game with two limited counters on this card. And
pay 1: remove a limited counter from this card: Produce w,r,u,g or b.
- Draft is advised to do with 6 to 7 packs of 8 cards per pack when 4 or less players. Do 5 ten-card packs if 5 or six players.
- Each player starts a ruler draft with 1 randomised ruler of each colour per ruler pack after the main draft.
Another option is to just give each player 1 random ruler of each colour before the main draft without ruler drafting.
- new errata of Fiethsing,Demonic Dead and Sealed One-Eyed Dragon are to be ignored as of now.
* these rules are open to change or discussion.
Insatiable Desire For Treasure
in Arcana Battle Colosseum
Welser, the Progenitor of Magic
in Arcana Battle Colosseum
in Wanderer
Combination ban - Moojdart
& Almerius
banned in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions

Deck Statistics

Attribute distribution in %

Card cost distribution

Sample starting hand