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Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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//deck-1 2 Teachings of the Moon 1 Arena Expansion: Eien no Tsuki no Miyako 2 And War it Shall Be! 2 Kaguya Enters the Game of Gods 2 Kaguya's Moonwatching 2 Seal of Wind and Water 1 Reflected Blue Moon 1 Kaguya, Seer of the Crimson Moon 1 Fleeting Moon Jewel 2 Replicant: Kaguya 4 Servant of the Moon 2 Battle Wolf of the Crimson Moon 1 Rabbit of the Crimson Moon 1 Hologram of the Crimson Moon 1 Lasting Spirits of the Crimson Moon 2 Galileo, Polymath 4 Gale of the Moon 1 Wind Moon 4 Moon Incarnation 1 Tsukuyomi Noble 1 Ancient Moon Dragon 1 The First Moon 4 Kaguya's Moonbeam Butterfly 2 Knight of the Solstice 1 Moonbreeze Elf 1 Campanella, the Milky Way Moon 4 Giovanni, the Lonely Child 1 Tsukuyomi, the Moon City 1 Pale Moon 4 Knight of the New Moon 2 Archer of the Crescent Moon 1 Swordsman of the Full Moon //play-1 1 Kaguya, God of Cats and the Moon //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 2 Secret Stone of the Wanderer Moon 2 Water Moon Fragment 2 Wind Moon Fragment
Deck Statistics
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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