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Kaguya, the Kimono hunter
Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Go to card
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Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
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Go to card
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Go to card
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Go to card
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Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
treasure deck
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Alice, Zeus Incarnate
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 2 Apollo, Vessel over Moon City 4 Fleeting Moon Jewel 7 Water Kimono of Twelve Parts 3 Tsuki-hime, Gears Princess of the Moon 4 Cursed Mirror of the Snake 2 Apollobreak, the Moon Blast 1 Servant of the Moon 2 Vacuus, Member of the Twelve Sacred Knights 3 Mermaid's Thunder Parasol 1 Alice, Zeus Incarnate 2 Prison in the Lunar Lake 2 Drifting Little Moon 1 Reflected Blue Moon 4 Little Maria, Archaic Legacy 4 The Sword of Progression 1 Moon Dust Revolution //play-1 1 Kaguya, the Immortal Princess 1 Kaguya, Princess of the Moon 1 Trials from Kaguya //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 2 Fragment of the Emerald Tablet 2 Magic Stone of Chrysoberyl 2 Magic Stone of Deep Wood
Deck Statistics
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
treasure deck
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Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
treasure deck
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