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Pack Sim
Pricia - Four Sacred Beasts
Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
Casual deck using only cards from Alice Cluster. Basic beatdown deck that can win by constant attacks from the Four Sacred Beasts or more immediately by
Pricia, the Commander of the Sacred Beasts
Huanglong, Leader of the Four Sacred Beasts
, or
Sprint of the Beast Lady
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 2 Huanglong, Leader of the Four Sacred Beasts 4 Bai Hu, the Sacred Beast 4 Qing Long, the Sacred Beast 4 Xuan Wu, the Sacred Beast 4 Zhu Que, the Sacred Beast 4 Moonbreeze Rabbit 2 Sprint of the Beast Lady 4 The Beast Queen's Counterattack 1 Blessing of Yggdrasil 3 Foment of the World Tree 4 Rapid Growth 4 Horn of Sacred Beasts //play-1 1 Pricia, the Beast Lady //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Blasting Waves 4 Magic Stone of Gusting Skies 4 Magic Stone of Deep Wood
Deck Statistics
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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