Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Pack Sim
Arla - Protective Angels
Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
Casual deck using only cards from Alice Cluster; sister deck to Arla - Flying Tribal. Replaces a lot of the aggression for a slower, more reactive playstyle with a greater focus on angels specifically. This gives
Arla, the Hegemon of the Sky
slightly more options.
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Celestial Wing Seraph 2 Dignified Seraph 4 Guardian Angel, Raphael 4 Angel of Wisdom, Cherudim 4 Little Angel of Armalla 3 Light Sprite 4 Life Profiteering Priest 4 Heavenly Garden of Armalla 3 Justice of God's Sword 4 Kaguya's Premonition 4 Artemis, the God's Bow //play-1 1 Arla, the Winged Lord //deck-2 4 Moonbreeze's Memoria 6 Light Magic Stone
Deck Statistics
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
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Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
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Draw card
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