Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Pack Sim
Tina and Alice
Format: Wanderer
Go to card
Go to card
Main Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Magic Stone Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Side Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Extension Rule
Go to card
Au moment de jouer plongeon météore, agitez une baguette magique (celles avec une étoile au bout) et dire "abracadabri abracadabra des fées rapidité en veux tu en voilà"
Deck Restrictions
Export to Untap
Import to My Decklists
Copy as Image
//deck-1 4 Dominatus, Star Gladius 3 Virtuous Crusade 4 Meteor Dive 4 Star Aurora 2 Paran, Fairy of Counseling Light 4 Fairy Twins 3 Peren, Fairy of Lively Fire 4 Cursed Mirror of the Snake 2 Dissonance of Reign 3 Spirit of the Mirage Ruins 1 Yggdrasil, Heroic Spirit of the World Tree 2 World Tree Mermaid 1 Outer Space 3 Fairy of Trickery //play-1 1 Tina, Virtuous Stella 1 Alice, the Ally of Fairies //sideboard-1 1 Rogue Spectator 3 A Flashing Smile 3 Fairy Soldier 2 Muse's Staring at... 3 Girl's Staring at... 3 Alice's Fantastic Trick //deck-2 1 Magic Stone of Heat Ray 2 Light Moon Fragment 2 Water Moon Fragment 1 Magic Stone of Light Vapors 1 Fairy's Memoria 2 Amadeus, Holy Crystal 1 Magic Stone of Chrysoberyl
Deck Statistics
Change zones for Statistics
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Extension Rule
Change Zones for Stats
Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
Change zones
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Extension Rule
Change Zones for Testhand
Draw card
Redraw hand