Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Untitled Deck
Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Tiger of Aradia 1 Remus, Lyka's Partner Twin Wolf 2 Romulus, Lyka's Partner Twin Wolf 4 Snake of Aradia 3 Spider of Aradia 3 Rabbit of Aradia 4 Therionmorphing 2 Communication with Animals 2 Two Friends and a Cat 3 Replicant: Genshi Tenson 3 Cursed Mirror of the Snake 3 Liberation of the Fires 2 Horn of Sacred Beasts 2 Deathscythe, the Life Reaper 2 Zacky's New Plan! 1 Magic Stone of Sympathy //play-1 1 Lyka, Stregheria of Beasts //sideboard-1 1 Lyka, Tigermorphed 1 Lyka, Snakemorphed 1 Lyka: Rabbitmorphed 1 Lyka, Arachnidmorphed 1 Two Friends and a Cat //deck-2 1 Magic Stone of Sympathy 3 Light Moon Fragment 3 Fire Moon Fragment 3 Secret Stone of the Mysterious Moon 1 Little Red, the Pure Stone 1 Magic Stone of Moon Shade 1 Magic Stone of Moon Light
Deck Statistics
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