Force of Wind
Force of Wind Tools
Force of Will TCG
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Pack Sim
Panic attack sim
Format: Wanderer
Go to card
Main Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Magic Stone Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Side Deck
Deck Restrictions
Export to Untap
Import to My Decklists
Copy as Image
//deck-1 4 Duskshell Glowing Scarabs 3 Entomophobia 4 Executioner of the Palace of Light 4 Living Shadow of Buer 4 Mysterious Noise in the Basement 2 Nyctophobia 3 Obsidian Possession 2 Ryula, Corrupted by the Eclipse 2 The Arrival of the Conqueror 2 The Silver Key of the Labyrinth 2 Trypophobia 2 Anthropophobia 2 Bathophobia 2 Dendrophobia 2 Phasmophobia //play-1 1 Viola, Obisidian Golem //deck-2 4 Gleaming Obsidian Skull 3 Gravestone of the Haunted Palace 3 Magic Stone of Heaven's Rift
Deck Statistics
Change zones for Statistics
Change Zones for Stats
Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
Change zones
Change Zones for Testhand
Draw card
Redraw hand