Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Dr House with the Holy Grenade
Format: Wanderer
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Main Deck
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Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
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Go to card
Magic Stone Deck
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
Go to card
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Side Deck
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Go to card
Go to card
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Go to card
/!\ Jank deck warning /!\
Just empty your deck with Rezzard + Decapitation
+ any Melfee/Prototype Magi/Phantasmal Ascendant until you can play sprinting steward and attack with the Rabbit an infinite amount of time.
Phantasmal Ascendant
in Wanderer
Melfee, Traveling Sorceress
in Wanderer
Sprinting Steward
in Wanderer
Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Melfee, Traveling Sorceress 2 Sealed One-Eyed Dragon 4 Selective Decapitation 2 Rezzard, Attoractia's Leading Doctor 4 Prototype Magi Trooper 4 Dexia's Advice 3 Laurite, Seven Luminaries Astrologian 3 Faerur's Spell 3 Phantasmal Ascendant 2 Sprinting Steward 3 Attendant of Asmodeus 1 Moonbreeze Rabbit 1 Horn of Sacred Beasts 3 Birth of the Twin Princes 1 Muumuu, Servant of Falchion 1 Adombrali, the Unfathomable //play-1 1 Aristella, Twin Prince 1 Child of the Water Moon 1 Child of the Fire Moon //sideboard-1 4 The Essence of Athenia's Power 4 Decay of the Machines 1 Attendant of Asmodeus 3 Horn of Sacred Beasts 1 Paramita of the Dead 1 The Great Wall of the Twelve Sacred Knights 1 Eternal, Artificial Archipelago //deck-2 2 Darkness Moon Fragment 1 Secret Stone of the Chaos Moon 4 Wind Moon Fragment 2 Magic Stone of Deep Wood 1 Secret Stone of the Mysterious Moon
Deck Statistics
Change zones for Statistics
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Change Zones for Stats
Attribute distribution in %
Card cost distribution
Sample starting hand
Change zones
Main Deck
Magic Stone Deck
Side Deck
Change Zones for Testhand
Draw card
Redraw hand
Just empty your deck with Rezzard + Decapitation
+ any Melfee/Prototype Magi/Phantasmal Ascendant until you can play sprinting steward and attack with the Rabbit an infinite amount of time.