Force of Wind
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Force of Will TCG
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Pauper Angels
Format: Wanderer
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Magic Stone Deck
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Side Deck
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Deck Restrictions
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//deck-1 4 Celestial Wing Seraph 4 Mourning Angel 4 Angel of Healing 1 Fallen Angelic Destroyer, Lucifer 4 Cathedral of Armalla 2 Followers of the False Savior 3 Kunai Throw 3 Persephone, the Eleventh Olympian 1 Attack Stance 3 Defense Stance 2 Magic Stance 1 Angelic Battle Barrier 2 Ki Lua: Fossil Girl in the City 2 A Duet of Light 2 Aphrodite, the Tenth Olympian 2 Olgaria's Last Epistle //play-1 1 Child of the Water Moon //sideboard-1 1 Rogue Spectator 2 Ares, the Eighth Olympian 2 Parry 1 Intimidation 2 Confronting Eins 2 Dispelling Stone 3 Falling Into the Cracks of Time 2 Revealing the Power of Salvation //deck-2 4 Magic Stone of Knowledge 4 Moonbreeze's Memoria 2 Light Magic Stone
Deck Statistics
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